Today mom got the call from her oncologist that the PET Scan done on Monday was all clear. A couple of weeks ago, mom had written in this blog that her tests came back cancer free and this was just the follow up (to check on the Lymph Nodes.) So, we are incredibly grateful for this report.
My sister Becky and her family made it home from Uruguay last week and it is wonderful to have them all back on the same continent. Her husband, Kevin leaves on the 30th of June for a one year position in Iraq. Becky will rent a home in Indiana for a year with the children. Then, they will move to Washington D.C. for 3 years so that their oldest, Tim, can graduate from the States. Laura, 11, just signed up for horseback riding lessons and will be starting the Swim Team at the YMCA with Anna, 8. Tim watched a soccer practice and plans to join.
The teenager cousins are all at Mom and Dad's church's Youth Camp. This is something they all look forward to all year and are thrilled that Tim can be a part of it this year too. What great memories spend summer break together. My brother Jim helps out there too, so they love having him there.
Jim and Becca are expecting their baby in September, all is going fine with that as they prepare Penny, 19mos, to be a big sister. I'm sure she will be lots of help.
Jeannie and Jeff continue to move forward as they adjust to the changes their jobs from the past few months. Joel, 15, conditions during the summer for football and even has some lawns that he mows in the area. He is going to a Young Life Camp in VA in the next few weeks. Jocelyn, almost 7, enjoys swimming, and gymnastics and is attending some local VBS in the area.
Life at the Raraigh Ranch is never dull. Alaina, 17, just got her Wisdom Teeth out this past week, and I am keeping my fingers crossed as I sent her with soft food and pain meds to Youth Camp. She works as a hostess at Kings Family Restaurant and has a summer babysitting job. She will be starting her Senior year at Lenape Tech and is taking Advertising and Digital Technology. She also is a band manager for the Freeport Marching Band. Nathan, 15, finished playing baseball for the JV team and is excited to start another year of marching band playing his trumpet. He was thrilled to be given a Trumpet 1 part this year. David and Devon, 9, are both playing Little League baseball and are loving it. June is a busy month for me at church as I prepare for VBS. We leave for vacation June 30 and can't wait to go to Ocean City! Dennis' job continues to be well.
We can't say enough about the prayers, well wishes, thoughts, meals, and help you have given our family over the past several months. "His Grace is sufficient," and we are learning daily to trust and love Him more. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I Corinthians 4-9
4 I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. 5 For in him you have been enriched in every way—with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge— 6 God thus confirming our testimony about Christ among you. 7 Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. 8 He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.