Thursday, February 28, 2013

One More Trip Around the Sun

"Ralph Bag-a-donuts, taking up space, Grum-pucker-itis"...these are some of the old familiar sayings of my Dad.  I guess he is going take my twins Snipe hunting in a few weeks at King Camp.  Poor things...I remember myself, probably being about my boys age, sitting with my back against a tall tree, and a brown paper bag between my legs, clicking two rocks together three times.  "Click, click, click."  You had to wait sometimes a long time before the Snipe would run into the bag. Dad was the only one who would ever catch one. 

"One more trip around the sun," as my dad would say, or simply, "Happy Birthday Mom!"  Today is my mom's 66th birthday.  I called this morning to wish her a happy day, but only chatted for a minute.  I called around 8:30, so they were in their morning routine of getting meds, breakfast and getting ready to go to radiation. 

I don't really know how mom feels about her birthday.  I have always been a birthday lover and always look forward to my special day, (as I approach my 30-something-ish b-day), but I don't know if my mom feels the same.  I remember it hasn't been that many years ago that mom had said that Mark wasn't the first thing she thought of when she woke up on her birthday.  See, we had an older brother, Mark.  Mark was born before Jeannie in December of '69.  He was the first born, a son.  When Mark was just 10 weeks old, he died of SIDS and went to be with Jesus.  They were living in McDonald, PA and were visiting with friends for the day.  When mom went to check on her sleeping baby, she found him face down and not breathing.  She tried to give him CPR, but he was already gone.  Mom doesn't talk a lot about the time she mourned, I am pretty sure that was personal, and a long time ago, but we always talked about Mark.  We wondered what he would be like, who his friends would be and what he would have liked to do.  Mom would tell a story about when she took my brother Jimmy to the cemetery once to put flowers on the grave.  She said that Jimmy put his arm around Mom and said, "I sure do miss Mark."  Mom said, "I do too."  He always had kind of been a part of us and I can't wait to meet him someday!  

I can't imagine loosing a child.  Actually, I think it is probably one of the things most moms fear.  We endlessly check on our babies, why?  To make sure they are still breathing.  We sneak, we hold mirrors under their nose, we place our hands on their tummy or back, then when we feel that gentle rise and fall of their chest, we silently sneak back out of their room.  I have had a few times with my kids that have been pretty scary and honestly, times that I wasn't sure if they were going to make it.   At those times, I could hardly speak, and I will be honest, I couldn't even pray, I could just say the name, "Jesus."  I remember once when my Nathan, 4 at the time, was sick and having convulsions.  I knew from Alaina having epilepsy, that the longer the seizure lasted, the more O2 was deprived to the brain and damage was possible.  I timed as he shook.  10 - 15 minutes they would last with 5 minutes in between.  As I stood above Nathan's bed waiting for the ambulance to arrive I remembered thinking, "Oh God, please don't take him now, I know he belongs to you, but I just want him with me a little longer!"  I thought of Mary, watching her son, Jesus, not just die, but be tortured - standing and watching as it happened, knowing she couldn't do anything about it. 

After arriving by ambulance to the closest hospital to get Nathan stabilized, he was then Life-Flighted to Children's.  I got to ride along in the helicopter.  (I'm not sure how, they usually don't take guests, but I got to go.) After several tests and a week stay in the hospital, Nathan was release to go home and only diagnosed with Febrile Convulsions.  He never had them again, and I am so thankful, it was pretty scary. 

When Mom found out about her cancer, I remember sitting with her and talking.  She said she was just so sad.  She was sad for all the people that she had to tell about her illness.  We were all sad, and we could be together, but we had to start getting the word out.  She said it reminded her of the night that Mark died.  She said she hated to go to bed that night because she had to wake up and tell everyone the news of her baby's death and that would make a lot more people sad.  She didn't want to be the source of such news. 

Mom has always been a "giver," so now that she just is sitting back "receiving" the care, meals, cards and love, it is out of her comfort zone.  We have been surrounded by so much love and support it is incredible.   I am so thankful for a steadfast and God-fearing family.  Please don't get me wrong, I have been through a lot of times I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, but I love that I have parents that have been strong and wise, not perfect, but doing their best.  I am grateful for a husband that took me and my children in and called us "his own."  I am humbled by sisters that are now my best friends and we can laugh and cry together.  Jimmy?  Honestly, I am still shocked that he actually graduated from high school, survived in the Army, made it through college - all 4 yrs and be came a teacher - of all things!  Although I still picture him about 5 yrs old playing hide and seek under my desk and covering his eyes as he "hid," it is fun being an Aunt to his little girl and watching him continue to become a man, husband and father. 

Thank you for being part of our journey.  Happy Birthday Mom and here's to "One More Trip Around the Sun!"

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chemo Crazies

Not sure of the extent, but it seems that the chemo once again is altering Mom's mind.  We know this is normal, it just makes it hard and a different level of care.  With this in mind, please know that if you speak to her, the information may not be accurate.

Thank you for praying that she feels peace through this last leg of treatment.  Just a reminder that this Thursday, 2/28 is her birthday.  Please email me or facebook if you would like their address.  

Monday, February 25, 2013

How Great is Our God

  One of Mom's favorite things is to have all of her kids go to church with her.  Now, 2 out of 4 kids live in Indiana and attend their church.  This summer, Becky and her family will be home and will stay for a year, so, 3 of 4 kids will be attending their church.  Since I work of our church, Sunday is a work day and it is hard for me to miss.  I do try at least once/year to make that happen.  Hopefully, this summer, I will be able to come back home Sunday mornings a few times to spend time with my family.  Mom always wanted to "fill a pew" with her family.  Well, when we are all there, we take at LEAST 2 rows!  I think her goal has been met. 

Yesterday I was so happy to be able to go back to Indiana to visit Mom.  We went to our church as a family, I did what I needed to do for the morning to accomplish my responsibilites, stopped at the house for a quick lunch and down the road we went.  My husband was going to a friend's house to watch the NASCAR race and my kid's went to Jeannie's house since mom is to not be around children right now.  It is so nice to be able to go there just as me, an adult daughter and not to worry about my kids.  I can focus 100% on what needs to be done for her and their home.  Mom said she was feeling good and it showed in actions around the house.  Dad thought I could help her finish a project she had started...organizing the cd's.  She wanted them grouped, Classical, Christmas, Jazz, Christian, show tunes and Gospel.  We put tabs between them so they were clearly seperate.  I quickly put them back under the TV stand before she thought to ask me to put them in ABC order too!  We are all so very different as to how and what we choose to organize! 

We then sat down and went through wig catalogs.  She put tabs on wigs, hats, scarves and "bangs only" she thought she would like to try.  If anyone has any suggestions or experience in this department, please let us know.   She still has her hair, but we aren't sure how long it is going to stay.  I think this is pretty hard on her. 

Mom has really been missing church, so yesterday, Dad recorded it for her.  We watched it together.  Jeannie happened to be singing on the praise team, so she really enjoyed seeing her up there too.  It was pretty cool and I shared that not only did both their church and our church sing the song, "How Great is our God," both lesson talked on Paul and Corinthians.  Very neat.  Someone from their church shared about "impossible sitations."  I hoped that mom was listening closely then and feels that, "nothing is impossible with God."  Nothing. 

In this song, "How Great is Our God," it compares God to many things:  a king, light, timeless, Father,Son,Spirt, Lion and Lamb.  It also encouages us to call on those around us, "sing with me."  Not "listen to me" or  "you should be singing...," but "sing with me."  With.

One word toward the end of this song is "heart."  My heart will sing, how great is our God.  Not my brain (to think), not my lips (to speak) , not my hands (as if to serve), but my HEART ~ what we love with.  God's greatest gift to us, His Love.  There was NO greater love ever in all time than the gift of His Son, Jesus.  Heart - what pumps the blood though your body to keep you alive - and it was His blood that was sacrificed for each of us.  "My heart will sing, how great is our God."  I love how it then transitions into "How Great Thou Art."  "Then sings my "SOUL!"  Again, not the brain, lips, hands or anything SOUL- the deep insides of my being- my soul. 

HOLY NUMBERS BATMAN!!!  8.0 was mom's white blood cell count.  (It has to be over 3.0)  Her last reading was 1.8, so with the injections to boost the count and lots and lots of prayer, today, Mom is receiving her chemo.  How Great is our God!

1 Cor 1:4-6
I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.  For in him you have been enriched in every way - in all your speaking - and in all your knowledge - because of our testimony about Christ was confirmed in you. 

We thank you for all your prayers for our family. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Restricted Visitors

I forgot to include in my last post that mom is not allowed to receive visitors due to her low WBC.  Please respect that.  She is missing company and seeing people and doing things, but we need to keep her as germ-free as possible.  Thank you for understanding.  We will let you know as soon as this ban is lifted again.  Thank you!

Let's Get Fired Up

Good morning!  I guess you could say I have had a bit of writer's block lately.  I feel pressure, that I have put on myself, to say just the right thing.  There hasn't been anything huge going on, so I haven't felt creative enough to say anything.   

Yesterday, mom did get her radiation and got her blood work checked.  Unfortunately, her white blood cell count was even lower than last week.  She did get a shot yesterday and will receive one tomorrow that will help to boost that count.  I talked to her in the afternoon, and she said that it was really painful.  She doesn't remember it hurting so much the last time. 

She and dad have been pretty down regarding these last levels.  The white blood count does not reflect the activity level of the cancer - meaning, just because the WBC is low does not mean the treatments are not working.  It is impossible to tell exactly how each patient will respond to the treatments given.  The just had to change their plan.  They have a protocol to follow when that happens, so now they are doing it. 

Mom's birthday is Feb. 28th (this Thursday).  I know a lot of people have been sending her cards and their signs of love and support.  Please continue to shower her with those.  If you need their address, please email me at, or send me a facebook message. 

Let's get fired up!  Please help me in starting to pray that mom and dad feel and overwhelming energy and positive attitude!  They have felt God's love and peace through this all, but right now need to see that HOPE!  Please pray that mom's WBC goes up, so that she can get her chemotherapy and can get over this last hurdle! 

I am going to start writing a few stories that God has put on my heart.  I am hoping that Dad can see some of the humor.  Please pray that he does and that I don't get grounded and my car taken away from me or that I loose Facebook privileges as some of these stories are revealed!  Please pray that Dad and Mom can start to see JOY!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Today mom got her pic line put back into her arm.  She also did have radiation and her weekly appointment with Dr. Raminini.  She was suppose to start chemo today.  Unfortunately both her platelets and her white blood cell counts were too low to give the chemotherapy, so she did not get it.  They will go in on Friday for more blood work to see if those numbers go up and will then reevaluate.  They were not given an date as to when chemo will begin.

Please pray that her numbers increase so that she is able to get her chemo.  We are all ready for this to begin so the end is closer in sight.  Thanks for continuing to pray that her calories and nutrition is increased. 

Thank you!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tummy troubles

Please pray that mom's stomach is able to be settled.  She has had some really good days lately, but now, some not so good.  The good ones are met with much more joy.  She has been really nauseous, making it hard to eat/drink and then to gain weight.  The doc really wants her to eat more and to increase her calories.  Please pray that this is possible and that her whole digestive system is controlled.  Thank you!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dad's Words

Dad sent this last night to me after I had already posted.  Thought his words exactly were nice.


Today we had an oncologist appointment.  It went well for Gingie.  Her WBC and other blood levels are now OK and she can have visitors.  Prayer answered.  The Dr. feels that she should still stay home from church and large groups.  Gingie is up and around doing light house tasks without pain or discomfort.  Prayer answered.  There seem to be only the topical burning from radiation at this time.  I trust that this will continue through chemo next week.  Keeping her hair intact would please us all, especially Gingie.   Thanks for your continued support in prayer and fellowship.  God is so good, ALL THE TIME!


From Molly:   
P.S.  I told Dad the last time I was there that maybe if mom looses her hair, instead of getting a wig, she could just pull her turtleneck shirt off her body and leave it on her head, inside my sisters and I did when we were little to pretend we had LONG HAIR.  ha ha...

Monday, February 11, 2013

Tuna salad

Official word is that the White Blood Count is UP!  Yay!   Thanks so much for all your prayers on that one.  I have a few kids that are super excited to see their Mema!  Mom has lost some weight and although she has been eating, small amounts, the doctor wants her to eat more.  They did buy some Ensure to help increase some calories.  Dad and anyone that enters are no longer required to wear masks, however she still is not allowed to go to church.  They went to visit my Grandma Allshouse today and mom and Gram enjoyed a tuna salad sandwich.  Funny, Becca, Jimmy's wife was hungry for that the other day and I also made it today too.  Must have been in the air!

If you would like to send mom a valentine or anything else, and need their address, please feel free to email me.

Again, and I never get tired of saying this, thank you so much for all your love, meals, support, friendships and prayers.  We are grateful.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Note from Dad (Rodney)

Today I went to church.  Gingie couldn't go as we need a new WBC before I can let that happen.  Our appointment tomorrow will give us the current White Blood Count.  She wants and needs to attend as soon as she can.
Thursday through today have been very good for Gingie.  When I gave her the morning medications I ask for her pain level, you know the 1 - 10 chart.  She said she didn't have any pain.  Dr. Ramenini says that when this happens the medication level is exactly correct as too high a dose will cause "wooziness".  She is sleeping/napping a lot, she says she's bored.  Maybe Gingie is catching up or her body is repairing.  I truly hope the second. 
This week M-F continues radiation therapy.  There is topical burning that causes itching and is treated with an ointment.  Please pray that this can be relieved.  The week of the 18th, M-F, chemotherapy returns.  I have no idea what side effects might take place.  Perhaps there could be none. 
God answers prayer.  I would like for all of you to experience God's miraculous presence here in our lives, Him and His Angels, but of course without the devastation cancer brings.  Church was amazing this morning.  I went in with expectations, but The Holy Spirit went far beyond what I deserve or could imagine.  Individual prayer with my brothers in Christ was electric and I would hope to be able to share someday. 
Molly tells me there are people from 11 countries logging onto the blog, amazing.  The prayer raised up for Gingie can be felt as if it were a heat source warming the room.  Thank you one and all for the personal and spiritual assistance you have given.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Sovereign God

During the Christmas season I had a situation at work that made me sit and reflect on who I am, why I am and why I do what I do.  Someone, who I would have called a friend, accused me of purposefully scheduling an event with a malicious intent.  They blamed me for their not knowing and not having all the information.  I had given the information, they just didn't choose to read it or happened to be in attendance when the details were given.  That part wasn't my fault.  I understand it caused confusion on their part and maybe some sadness, and for that I felt bad, but I had given the information.  To then take it to the next level and say that it was part of a bigger plan to mislead people, deeply hurt my feelings, because they have known me for over 10 years.  Professionally, I was insulted, because I do always try to do my best and to be creative in my work place coming up with fresh and new ideas to improve things.   I thought, "do you really think that is the person that I am?  You really thought my intent was to mislead?"  The answer, when I literally asked that question, was, "yes."

How could they really not know my heart?  After all these years and situations we have been through, how could they think I would want to twist what is good and use it for evil?  Do they really not trust me?

I believe that the God I serve is a Sovereign God.  That means, that I trust His plan for me fully, and that HE is the only one that knows what is best for me.  Surrendering to those words sometimes isn't that easy.  That is saying in the good and in the bad, I will trust that this is for my good, even though I do not see it.

This week mom did get her 2 injections of the "N" drug (I forget the name) that will help to boost her white blood count.  They will find out on Monday after they draw blood how much that increased her count.  Some good things are happening though!  What she once described as a tennis ball, then a golf ball, she now says she can't feel anymore!  That is amazing as we are KNOWING God is healing her!  She also has had a few days that she has felt pretty well and has done a few things around the house - only a few.  Like, she took something back to her room on her own.  She really hasn't had enough strength or even had enough energy to move anything.  She and Jeannie went through some of her clothes yesterday too!  She told me yesterday that she had remembered smiling for the first time in a while and she laughed.  We were all told these things are normal and to be ready for them, but it was still hard to watch when she was down and out.

She will get another round of chemo on the 18th and we will start all over again with all the side affects.  It's ok, one day at a time.  Although we have told her several times, she wasn't able to remember how long the treatments were.  She was happy to once again hear that as long as everything stays on schedule, she is about 1/2 way through!  I went through the calendar with her.  End of Feb, her bday (2/28), The Meadows Frozen Custard opens March 1, the robins come back for my bday (3/6),  her girl-friends are coming 3/22 and then then we should start talking about signs of spring!  We are happy that Punxy Phil said spring will be early, we can all use the sunshine!  May always goes super fast, then Becky is here in June.  See how fast it will all go?

I believe this is all part of God's Sovereign plan for my mom's life.  It is so hard watching and hearing what is going on, but I do not question His judgement.  I know that through this journey my mom is on, it will change her life and though it all, I would pray that it would lead her closer to Him.  I am thankful for a family that stands firm in their faith through trials and I am thankful for a God that forgives me when I start doubting His intent.  His mercies are new every morning, Great is HIS Faithfulness.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Praise You in this Storm

I only half follow sporting events.  Sorry to say, but the half is because it is on in my house.  It isn't that I hate it, usually I would just rather watch something else.  My husband had referred to this Super Bowl as "brother against brother" and I assumed that there were players that were on opposite teams like in other years.  I thought that the one brother rival teams had a neck injury, but who knows.  (Mannings?)  While watching I realized that the same man was NOT coaching the 2 different teams, THEY were the brothers!  I get it now!  Who knows how many years I have watched and thought to myself, "oh, I thought he coached another team.  Guess not, guess the brothers look alike!

I remember October 14, 2003 very well  It was one of the happiest, but one of the hardest days of my life.  My sister Becky had just miscarried, Jeannie was going to her 3rd appointment to see if the implanted eggs had grown into a baby and I had my 1st checkup for my 3rd pregnancy.  I had been taking prenatal vitamins for a few months, and I had been pregnant before, so I didn't rush right in.  I was 13 weeks along.  Jeannie and I both had morning appointments so she agreed to call me later in the afternoon.  My appointment ended up being a bit longer then I had planned and I was NOT looking forward to talking to my sister.  She called me and I can vividly remember sitting on the couch in the game room while I listened.  She told me that although she had several "ripe" eggs, none of them were fertilized.  After a long time of long, early morning and disappointing appointments with negative results, she and Jeff decided that they were no longer going to go through this type of process to have a baby.  She was tired and worn, physically and emotionally.  We talked for what seemed to be eternity to me and she was winding down the conversation.  I wasn't ready to jump in with my new information.  Just when I was thinking the timing wasn't right to share, Jeannie said, "so how did your appointment go?  What did the doctor say?"  All I could think of was Becky's baby she would never meet until heaven, Jeannie's babies that we never made and my sister-in-law having similar pain and didn't want to share what I had learned for the day.  "Well, we are actually having twins."  I told her how the doctor asked if my calculated dates were right and when they were confirmed, he sent me right away for an ultrasound.  For the next several months, we heard a lot about Baby A and Baby B.

It is so hard to be happy when someone you love is feeling pain.  I heard this morning that the coach that won (now I can't thing of his name, Joe or Jim {and no I am not going to google it for the sake of the blog}) the winning coach, said it was the hardest thing he ever had to do, shake his brother's hand when he knew the pain that he must have been experiencing due to his loss.

I think it is so hard to PRAISE God when what is going on isn't good and just plain stinks.  It is so much easier to thank him for all the blessings...then the trials.  We were made to praise him but not circumstantially.  ALWAYS.  That is why we have to have a solid foundation in Him.  We have to believe and know deep down in our heart that even though we don't understand the "why" right now, we have to believe He will turn it into His good and for His glory.  Faith!

I watched my dad console my mom's friend that came to visit and he reassured her that it is all going to be ok because Jesus is in control of that. We HAVE to believe it!  Anything else can and will change, but the one thing that will never change is Jesus and his desire to love us.

Mom has had her ups and downs the past several days.  I was able to go and stay Friday - Saturday night.  I had a wonderful time and was so happy to be able to give 100% to her.  For that I was grateful.

Today, she had her radiation, and ultrasound and her appointment with Dr. Raminini.   The ultrasound showed that there is still some nephrosis (?) in the kidneys, but it is getting better.  Her blood count however is not good at all - it is very low.  Because of this, a few changes need to be made.  1.  She is no longer allowed to have visitors.  You may come to the front door, and may come in, but please do not go upstairs.  No exceptions - this applies to everyone except dad.  2.  Chemo needs to be changed - no more Myomycin (sp?).  3.  She will need injections to elevate her blood count.  4.  She will need to get another pic line (the other one was removed b/c she formed a blood clot).  5.  Her temp will now be take 3x/day.  If it is at all elevated, she will need to go to the ER.   

Prayer requests:
1.  Elevate her WBC -white blood count
2.  They find the appropriate chemo that won't harm the cells so drastically
3.  She accepts the new pic line with NO side effects
4.  That dad is able to remain strong, rested and healthy

Praise reports:
1.  She has been sleeping better and not getting up quite as frequently.  That is more for dad's strength and rest.
2.  Things have been "regular"
3.  We are thankful for how God is continuing to heal her even when we can't see it now.

1.  We are so very thankful for the meals that have been provided.  It has been a huge help!
2.  We are thankful for the love, support and prayers that we know are coming from all over the world.
3.  We are thankful for a God that even though we are sinners continues to bless us and showers us with His love, grace, favor, protection and peace.

Lord, Please help me to praise you in ALL CIRCUMSTANCES!  Amen. (please visit the link below)