Good morning! I guess you could say I have had a bit of writer's block lately. I feel pressure, that I have put on myself, to say just the right thing. There hasn't been anything huge going on, so I haven't felt creative enough to say anything.
Yesterday, mom did get her radiation and got her blood work checked. Unfortunately, her white blood cell count was even lower than last week. She did get a shot yesterday and will receive one tomorrow that will help to boost that count. I talked to her in the afternoon, and she said that it was really painful. She doesn't remember it hurting so much the last time.
She and dad have been pretty down regarding these last levels. The white blood count does not reflect the activity level of the cancer - meaning, just because the WBC is low does not mean the treatments are not working. It is impossible to tell exactly how each patient will respond to the treatments given. The just had to change their plan. They have a protocol to follow when that happens, so now they are doing it.
Mom's birthday is Feb. 28th (this Thursday). I know a lot of people have been sending her cards and their signs of love and support. Please continue to shower her with those. If you need their address, please email me at, or send me a facebook message.
Let's get fired up! Please help me in starting to pray that mom and dad feel and overwhelming energy and positive attitude! They have felt God's love and peace through this all, but right now need to see that HOPE! Please pray that mom's WBC goes up, so that she can get her chemotherapy and can get over this last hurdle!
I am going to start writing a few stories that God has put on my heart. I am hoping that Dad can see some of the humor. Please pray that he does and that I don't get grounded and my car taken away from me or that I loose Facebook privileges as some of these stories are revealed! Please pray that Dad and Mom can start to see JOY!
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